Saturday, September 19, 2009


I know that the super-people and great ones of this earth do not calculate (like me) that a day of air travel is a day lost to anything other than air travel. Important Folk get whisked from place to place so smoothly that they continue accomplishing Important Things even while the whisking is going on. By contrast, I spent seven hours yesterday sitting less than a yard from the only pair of toilets that a hundred or so fellow travelers were in a continuous line to use, a line that never grew shorter and a pair of toilet doors that never stopped flapping open and shut – just like a pair of lungs continuously inhaling and exhaling.

So yesterday, the travel day, was a cipher day – and real life back in San Francisco didn't kick in until the sun rose this morning and I woke up in my own bed and peered out the window, not literally at the sun, but at the beautiful enveloping fog. Yesterday nothing was any fun. Today everything is fun. Eating breakfast and answering emails is fun. Setting out into the dawn-deserted Mission streets with a huge bag of dirty laundry is fun. Taking pictures of the everyday unimportant sights along the way is very fun.