Saturday, September 21, 2013

Ca' Corner della Regina

The renovated interior of Ca' Corner della Regina appears to have extremely thoughtful and beautiful lighting for art.

I did not quite yet want to leave When Attitude Become Form, Fondazione Prada's current reconstruction of the 1969 group show of new art  mostly conceptual in nature  originally staged in Switzerland at Kunsthalle Bern. Now restaged in Venice.

After much gazing, am still wondering about the photo at bottom showing a rear wall, apparently structural (and not part of the exhibition) where it appears that at some point in the Venetian past a large rococo mirror or other framed object was yanked from its surrounding curlicues of green & white decorative plaster. My imagination pictures the mirror then cumbrously removed from the palazzo, carried off in a gondola, and sold. I even picture the restorers decades (or centuries) later debating the issue and eventually concluding that their practical and ethical duty lay in stabilizing the surrounding decorative wall fragments while leaving the evidence of past violence visible.